About Us

17 Years

Let us come together to make the least the best...

The great organization Indian National Organization for Human Right Protection (INOHRP) originated in the year 2004, as per the Indian trust act and registered under UN Charter in New Delhi. An assiduous and enthusiastic personality, none other than Shri. Mr Yohannan George is the founder and taken charge as the chairman as well as first president of this organization. He gave away his own office for the smooth function of INOHRP as INOHRP’S official office. Pastor JE John, chief executive officer of our Former Prime minister Shrimati Indira Gandhi and Adv. N.M Vargheese were the two grate consort of this organization from its childhood. After one year Adv.N.M Vargheese and Yohannan George met a dedicated personality through out his career and life, Shri. Er Benny CR, ex service man on the way to Orissa.That was the turning point for the rocket growth of this organization from where they were. Shri. Er Benny CR visited INOHRP’s New Delhi office and taken the membership as an ordinary member in Punjab state.

After getting the charge as As an ordinary member in Punjab state Shri Er Benny CR hold out his Hardwork as well as whole hearted brilliance to bring forward or to put up this organization on a front raw in our country. As a part and parcel of that he attended all the committees which all imposed by the national committee or by the president of this organization and formed a new state committee in Punjab and he elected as a President of INOHRP state committee. After that he took up all the challenges which faced on the violation on human rights. With due respect on his judicious and remarkable services rendered to the organization , Shri Er Benny CR elected as the National coordinator in the year 2006.

Gradually Shri Er Benny CR became the national general secretary and Trustee of this organization by the dedication which he has rendered to the organization. Whole team including, Trustees , National executives, state committees and all other lower lever committees are amalgamated and working with an enormous spirit. When we look at Punjab state , our National Coordinator Shri Saji Thomas has rendered his tireless and endless service through out his each and every step towards this organization and by his emerging effort our organization captured upper heights. In Hariyana our National Joint Secretary cum PRO Shri J S Bakshi also has given his whole hearted Support to bring up this organization to a particular level. In Kerala State General secretary Shri Prasanna Kumar also rendered his tireless effort to this organization and Kerala state committee accoutre a “ Suvaneer “ in the presence of Honourable Home minister of Kerala Shri Ramesh chennithala ,other ministers and all the dignitaries from different departments, and that was one of the golden feather Which is fixed around the crown of INOHRP. In In Tamilnadu state president Srimathi Renuka Kaliyappa delivers /holding out an endeavor effort for the uplift meant of the organization throughout her commitments which she has shown or acquired. All other state committees which are mentioned or not rendering awesome improvements in all levels of activities in this organization.

Now our organization INOHRP is spread over 12 states of India that is 12 states committees are doing well in their activities and all the humanitarian services which is going on in their own respective states. INOHRP participated in Anna Hazare’s strike against corruption, all the trustees and national executives attended two days hunger strike together with Anna Hazare. In Nirbhaya case also INOHRP hold forth it’s on contribution during the protest. Now we are going to launch our new state committees in Assam, Maharashtra and Karnataka. And we expect that we can spread over the entire country within three years. I know it’s our provides legal aid those who need and financially backward and felt unreachable to justice. And more over dress and food those who are in need. During this corona pandemic time also INOHRP rendered its extreme services on those were trapped in different states and national general secretary uphold all the responsibilities regarding this and they released safely and reached their own home states.


INOHRP Activities and other related documents


Let us come together to make the least the best, and the lost the elite.


We Envisage a society where every individual has access to food, shelter , health care, education, liberty equality, justice & fraternity , a way of life .


Aims & Objectives

  • 01. TO Safeguard the human rights adopted and proclaimed by the generalassembly of the unitednations organization on 10th day of december 1948

  • 02. To fight all types of violation of human rights and put an end to violence,oppression and atrocities on the people

  • 03. To eradicate proverty, illiteracy and unemployement and wipe out the tears of all suffering people and bring succor to the them through legal means.

  • 04.To Resist the callous and indifferent attitude of officials towards the day to day problems of the general public.

  • 05. Launch a vigorous campaign against the apathetic and inhuman behaviour of government staff towards the public and remind them of their duties and responsibilities as servents of the public.

  • 06.Take appropriate messures, legal or otherwise to restore the rights, hopes and aspiration of the oppressed individuals serving in public, private and other organizations.

  • 07.To provide guidance to those want to seek loans from government institutions.

  • 08.To protect and safeguardthe interest of innocent victims of police atrocities an migrate their hardships.

  • 09.To wage a war on drug traffickers and addition.

  • 10.To fight for citizens freedomto assemble and function in a peacefull manner.

  • 11.To provide financial assistance to poor parents for the marriage of their daughters. Arrange aid to orphaned children for rehabilitation, education,marriage etc..

  • 12.To provide counsling and legal assistance to distrssed and seperated coupls and meditation

  • 13.To provide medical aid to patients belowthe poverty line, Organize medical and blood donation camps, buildwalfare homes for the poor and oppressed class living in slums avenues for their employment

  • 14.To produce films and documentaries for educating the masseson their rights. duties and responsibilities to the society

  • 15.To provide assistance to non-residents for solving their problems in india

  • 16.To rehabilitate convicts released from jail andexplore avenuesfor their emloyment

  • 17.To work for protection of enviornment,Launchcrusade against enviornmental distruction and missuse of soil, water and air

  • 18.TO initiate citizens to dodedicated self-88 service for the welfare of the country and people at large. To organize meetings for recognizing individuals for their selfless service to the society,country and humanity.

  • 19.To work for the social empowerment of the oprressed class , scheduled casts, scheduled tribes,religious minorities and women.

  • 20.To Organize the people by giving memberships and setting upthe branches all over india for creating public awareness of their rights.